Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Cleaning Hack: Quick Pet Hair Cleanup!

If you own any sort of fur-covered pet, you'll know what it looks like when you skip a vacuum day. No matter how dear our pets are, there's no getting around the fact that owning any animal is a lot of work. So how can that load be lightened?

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Cleaning Hack: A One-Two Punch To Take Out Litter Box Odors

Those of us who own cats know how quirky, cute and funny they can be - but also how stubborn and hard to manage the odors from a litter box can be! Luckily, there is a natural, safe method to eradicating the pesky odors wafting from your cat’s box!

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

A Quick Fix For Dusty Screens

We pretty much all own lots of screens these days…and the build up of dust and lint on your smartphone or tablet can be very irritating. So what can be done about it?

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Cleaning Hack: 3 MORE Ways To Clean Silver Jewelry

Due to the popularity of our last jewelry cleaning post, today we will be going over 3 NEW ways to clean jewelry. Since the last post was more general, this post will be specifically about silver jewelry. Silver needs to be cleaned more regularly than some other metals due to tarnish.

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Cleaning Light Fixtures The Quick & Easy Way

You will likely notice, sooner or later, that the light fixtures in your house can attract dust and spider webs in no time. These can be particularly difficult to clean if they have any sort of glass dome, shroud, bell, etc. But they don't have to be a headache!

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Green Cleaning: Essential Oils

To step up the effectiveness of your vinegar-based cleaner, consider adding a few drops of essential oil to your spray bottle. They key here is to pick specific oils for specific purposes.

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Do's and Don'ts of Disinfecting

We all know how important it is to disinfect high contact areas in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. But are you getting the most out of your disinfectant? Or are you potentially putting yourself or family at risk?

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Three Ways To Combat Mold

Having a mold problem in your house is at best aggravating and at worst an extreme health hazard. Small mold spots can seem easy to clean, but if not cleaned properly they can return and continue to grow.

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Enjoy Your Summer...Let Us Do The Dirty Work!

If you're planning on having a barbecue, is your home ready? Or do you have places to be? I'm sure by now we're all eager to get out of the house. So let our cleaning crew prepare your home for that weekend get together. Or go out. Have fun, and come home to a clean house. Let us take the to-do list out of the picture.

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Cleaning Hack of the Week: Homemade Glass Cleaner

Pro Tip: avoid window cleaners that contain ammonia, especially if you plan to clean mirrors. The ammonia in many commonly available glass cleaners can be tremendously damaging to the silvered layer of mirrors. This can lead to flaking, discoloration, spots, and other non-repairable damage.

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Cleaning Hack of the Week: Borax

Disinfectants are becoming a regular part of life, and stores are selling out of them almost everyday it seems. Since we all want to get our shopping done as quickly as possible these days, having an alternative in case of limited supply is a must. While names like "Lysol" and "Clorox" typically come to mind, not everyone knows that Borax can be a hospital-grade disinfectant when used properly.

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Daniel Smock Daniel Smock

Cleanliness = Peace

Here at Continental Maid Service, we take cleaning seriously. But more importantly, we take our customers’ safety seriously. We pride ourselves in our work, and are committed to providing a calm source of credible information, and a stress-free customer experience.

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